Last Friday, I was at the annual Cempaka Voices in Concert 2013! I was pretty darn excited when I heard about the theme: Back to School! This meant that Cempakan Alumni was gonna be coming back to perform. And I really need to thank SammoBammo for allowing me to bring friends. That was really an amazing gesture. Thank you :)
So, one of my Monday Show buddies, Joyce, agreed to come along. Joyce is this really awesome sweet girl and I thank her for agreeing to come along and I hope you had a great time girl :) Please note that I am uncertain of the classes that these kids graduated from so I am guessing or based on what I heard that night. Please feel free to correct me! Thank you!
Joyce Wong, Monday Show Entertainment |
So we left my office at about 6pm and it took us TWO hours to get to Cempaka Cheras. The traffic was insane thanks to stupid rain! Thank goodness when we finally got there (close to around 8pm), the show hadn't started. I felt so sorry to Joyce because the poor girl had to sit through traffic with me while eating her dinner in the car. And traffic was HORRENDOUS but this gave us the chance to chat and catch up. I'm really glad I got to know this girl better :)
So once we got there, I met SammoBammo and the rest of the Cempaka family! Always makes me so happy seeing all of them, especially my very special teacher, Dr Wong. Even as I'm typing this and thinking about them, I'm smiling. Hahaha!
Fareed Hamzah and Hisham Hamzah (SammoBammo) |
I like how because the theme of the show was "Back to School", Fareed took the initiative to wear the school tie which I thought was super awesome! Kudos! SammoBammo came dressed up pretty well, I must say. Smart casual at its best.
Joyce and I before the show! |
Gabriel was the emcee for the night and started off by giving some casual greetings and then proceeded to introduce the first performer, Cheryl Tan, class of 2006 (if I'm not mistaken!) where she belted out some amazing jazz tunes. Her voice was totally amazing and I followed her immediately on Facebook just so I could find out more about her upcoming performances :)
Cheryl Tan singing - Photo credits: Lau Jiaying |
Shortly after was Teh Gao Jye, class of 2011 (if I'm not mistaken?) and I was blown away. He sang two songs, one about lifelong love and the other about regrets. The best part is that both songs were actually composed by him! Awesome and talented much? I really loved the first song that he wrote. Can't exactly remember the title of the song that I liked though. If someone does remember, please let me know, and do let Gao Jye know that he needs to record it! :D
Teh Gao Jye singing original compositions - Photo credits: Lau Jiaying |
After that, Annatasha Saifol, class of 2010 (if I'm not mistaken?) serenaded us with a piano cover of Katy Perry's Not Like The Movies. I was totally amazed at the talents of this particular firecracker. She is a student in culinary arts, currently a young entrepreneur, the photographs were taken by her, she plays the piano, sings like an angel, AND she is also a dancer. Amazing! All thanks to the education from a great school, Cempaka Schools :)
Annatasha Saifol on the piano and singing - Photo credits: Lau Jiaying |
Then, I started screaming my head off because out came 6 vocalists. Annatasha Saifol, Savira Sigit (class of 2013), Julie Chan Nuo En (class of 2011), Teoh Jun Vinh (class of 2011), Gabriel Tham (class of 2011) and Teh Gao Jye. They sang a medley of pop songs (mostly from Bruno Mars!). I was so insanely thrilled to hear Julie sing again. I used to be the house-mistress in CILC when Julie was head prefect and we got to know each other better then. I am privileged to have known someone like Julie. Don't forget me when you make it big, woman! :P Also, Savira, wow. A superstar in her own right. She has been accepted into a performing arts school in the US of A and I am just so crazily proud of her. I remember back in the day when I used to work in Cheras, she would come and greet me in the mornings with a big hug. Oh how I miss those days. *memories*
From L-R: Julie Chan, Teh Gao Jye, Annatasha Saifol, Gabriel Tham, Savira Sigit, Teoh Jun Vinh
Photo credits: Lau Jiaying |
From L-R: Julie Chan, Savira Sigit, Annatasha Saifol, Teh Gao Jye, Gabriel Tham, Teoh Jun Vinh |
Then out came, Jes Ebrahim who performed a couple of songs. One with his brother, Jes Ismail, and two songs with Abdul Muhaimin. Jes and Muhaimin did a guitar duet of "Getaran Jiwa" and that was just amazing. It did however, remind me of the duet that Jes once did with another Cempakan alumni, Aiman Ahmad Marzio. At this point, I still wasn't aware of what was happening and I was already in lala land thanks to all these super talents. Little did I know, I was going to be even more amazed.
Then, came my favourite Cempaka skit, directed by Mr Scott McQuaid, Private Eye. There was part 1 and 2 a couple of years back. This year, they did Private Eye 3 starring Muhammad Luqman, Savira Sigit, David Estrada, Nimeesha Chan, Farel Sigit, Cheah Yi Jane, Syakirah Md Saadon, Tengku Dayang Adeira, and Caleb Choo. This skit was pretty hilarious and clearly didn't disappoint and Farel was insanely adorable as "The Big Boss".
Luqman and Farel going head to head. - Photo credits: Lau Jiaying |
Farel playing "The Big Boss" - Photo credits: Abdul Qayyum |
Soon after, Gabriel Tham gave his rendition of Josh Groban's Broken Vow. Beautiful song and even more beautiful cos you can see Gabriel's face. For those of you who don't know, Gabriel played the Beast in Cempaka's Box Office Production (CBOP) of Beauty and the Beast, followed by Kerchak in CBOP's Tarzan. It truly is a nice change seeing his face outside of make up and fake hair. His voice really does remind me of Josh Groban to be honest.
Gabriel Tham belting out "Broken Vow" - Photo credits: Abdul Qayyum |
After Gabriel, out came Julie Chan who belted out Second Hand White Baby Grand. I nearly cried listening to her sing. As I mentioned before, Julie and I got a bit closer during my stay in CILC and I remember her telling me about how she came to know God. It was truly a memorable moment listening to her sing again. I remember when I first heard her sing "Defying Gravity" on stage through a video. To hear her sing live, is really an honour :)
Julie Chan singing Second Hand White Baby Grand - Photo credits: Abdul Qayyum |
Then out came Lumiere, better known among his peers as Teoh Jun Vinh. Every time he steps out on stage, I will never forget his amazing stint as Lumiere (the candlestick) from CBOP's Beauty and The Beast. Beauty and The Beast was the first musical I worked on when I was in Cempaka. I watched all six shows, and all six times, I was amazed by his performances. This boy can sure sing! He belted out Michael Buble's "Haven't Met You Yet", one of my favourite songs from one of my favourite male vocalists.
Jun Vinh singing "Haven't Met You Yet" - Photo credits: Abdul Qayyum |
Then came the land of the musicians. Andrew Ng on the violin, Abdul Muhaimin on the bass (the fella bought a new bass!), Caleb Choo on the drums and Mr Wong Shen Vee on the piano played Claude Bolling's Suite. It was pretty classical in the beginning, just violin and the piano, but when the bass and drums were added in, it sounded pretty darned awesome! There's just something about Andrew when he's on the violin that makes the whole world stop for a while and just focus on his playing. That is one talented boy right there. When Caleb is on the drums, it's like he is in a world of his own. You can watch him on YouTube where he does covers. It's pretty interesting.
Abdul Muhaimin on bass and Andrew Ng on violin - Photo credits: Lau Jiaying |
Savira sang her solo, "At Last" made famous by Etta James. As usual, Savira at her age, gave us a flawless Savira-ised version of the song and it was beautiful. And there was this adorable moment where the musicians backing her (Mr Wong Shen Vee on piano, Mr Lee Voon Foong on saxaphone, Abdul Muhaimin on bass and Caleb Choo on drums) were doing their thing, and she scooted to the back of the amps, took a sip of water, and then continued with her great performance. Truly an artist in the making and a superstar in my heart :)
Abdul Muhaimin on bass, while Savira belts out her tune - Photo credits: Abdul Qayyum |
Savira Sigit singing "At Last" by Etta James.- Photo credits: Lau Jiaying |
The show then led to an amazing and adorable dance performance by Abdul Muhaimin, Teoh Jun Vinh, Annatasha Saifol and Natasha Lama. Their dance was called "Hey Pachugo!", which I believed to also be the name of the song they were dancing to, and the two boys were basically trying to catch the two girls. I don't really know how, but Muhaimin ended up tapping on a table. THAT was pretty darned awesome! Annatasha also did a "trailer" to the dance which was pretty amazingly done! Natasha as always, did not disappoint when it comes to dance, and Jun Vinh was just awesome! Flawless cast!
Muhaimin tapping on the table - Photo credits: Abdul Qayyum |
The one with purple hair is Annatasha, Natasha and Muhaimin - Photo credits: Abdul Qayyum |
The final solo performance of the night was of course, the one and only, Razlan Saharuddin. Student of the Berklee College of Music, Razlan has performed many times in Cempaka as alumni and every time he performs, he sings his own music (well, most of the time!). On the night of CVIC 2013, he sang all original songs, but one in particular made me tear. I don't remember the name of the song, but it was about his best friend's sister who had run away from home. It was just a touching number and I really enjoyed it so so much. Also, Darren Ashley was his drummer and back-up vocalist. Awesome much? :)
Razlan explains the meaning behind every song before singing it to us. - Photo credits: Abdul Qayyum |
Razlan in crooner mode - Photo credits: Lau Jiaying |
There was this beautiful finale, Seasons of Love, crooned by the entire cast (Julie Chan, Annatasha Saifol, Savira Sigit, Gabriel Tham, Teh Gao Jye, Teoh Jun Vinh, Razlan Saharuddin, Jes Ebrahim, Cheryl Tan, Farah Alya Ali, etc) backed by all the musicians (Abdul Muhaimin, Caleb Choo, Mr Wong Shen Vee, etc). It was truly an amazing showcase of the pool of talented alumni/students from Cempaka Schools. I am proud to call myself an alumni too (although I'm not HALF as talented as all these people are!).
Seasons of Love Finale - Photo credits: Lau Jiaying |
As most of you can see, the photos (the awesome ones!) were taken by Cempaka alumni Abdul Qayyum and Lau Jiaying. Another group of talents. These were some amazing shots and thank you for allowing me to use your photos on my blog.
Cempaka, megah berdiri,
Tahun '83 bulan Januari,
Bersatu, berdisiplin, dan berdikari
Melahirkan generasi yang berhemah tinggi
Kami semua, anak Cempaka,
Berbilang kaum, bangsa dan agama,
Bersatu, mencapai cita dalam perpaduan
Harapan ayah bonda, dan juga negara
Berkaliber, dan berdedikasi,
Itulah prinsip guru-guru kami,
Mendidik dan membimbing, sepenuh hati
Meninggikan prestasi pengajian kami
Cempaka, oh Cempaka,
Harummu semerbak merata-rata,
Hijau dan kuning warna gemilang,
Kejayaan diutamakan
Marilah, mari bersama,
Mara maju ke hadapan,
Majulah, oh Cempaka, hingga berzaman
Majulah, oh Cempaka, hingga berzaman
Love always,
DancerGal Sheryl!
Indeed it was a stellar performance par excellence. Thank you Cempakans for a great evening. This is worth making a tradition of Cempakans back to school.