Why I Hate Exams Part 2 - by SammoBammo
Following up on my previous post about exam-centric
education that I posted last year, I would like to expand upon what would or
should happen in place of the exam orientated methods of teaching and
assessment we are so used to.
Previously, I blogged about the problems of
learning for exams, and why in fact, it wasn't really learning at all, but an
exercise in memorisation and regurgitation of information. So the product of
standardised testing are standardised students, which is not what we should be
aiming for.
What then should we aim for and why is that
good? So let us look at what the 21st Century is about. Undoubtedly technology
drives everything we do, and it is moving faster than ever before, this we
already know, but do we really appreciate it fully? With technology we have
found the amount of knowledge and information at our fingertips has expanded
enormously. Before, a prescribed textbook for a subject is supposed to tell you
all you need to know, for the entire year. Now, the possibilities are

But this, we already know.
What we need to consider as the next step,
is looking at the way we learn. The way we absorb all this information and
knowledge. How do we make sense of it and make us want to ask more questions?
This may not involve too much technology, but of course new ideas that may
sometimes utilises new technology. New ideas that not only expose us to more
content, but make us more curious about discovering even more and connects us
to other eager learners. Put the hands of learning in the student's. True
self-directed learning.
Okay, so you can learn what you want, when you
want and in the way you want. Now what? What is the point? Our knee-jerk
reaction maybe: "how does this help me get an A?". Well, to be
honest, I don't know if it does, and I don't know if I, as your teacher, care
if it does even. Should you be caring? You will say your parents do I suppose.
Or this is what colleges want, to get the degree you want to get the job you
want. That is what you were possible told (brainwashed).

Let us think of another possible reaction,
"How does this help me be the person I want to be". Lets work with
this notion, that you are learning to be the person you want to be, instead of
the grades. Okay, that whole idea of
university places and jobs is still on your mind, and with good reason. Lets
alter our question then to "How does this help me be the person that
colleges/universities want", following the logic that this of course then
would be the person we are aiming to be. The better the educational
institution, the more they want from you, the more they expect from you.
Everyone has a strong academic background, they want more. What else can you
do? What else have you done? What kind of person are you? What are you
interests/hobbies/passions? Are you a leader or a follower? Can you solve
complex problems? None of which can be demonstrated through grades or exams.
None of which is seriously developed or obtained by studying for grades or
exams. To be honest I am not really sure what exams demonstrate.

So what now?
We need to break our mindset away from the
incessant chase for higher grades and better exams. We need to start looking at
"What kind of person do I want to be" again, or we can translate it
to "What skills do I want to have that will help me get into college/university".
The 21st Century Skills. Creativity. Innovation. Leadership. Collabaration.
Global Awareness. Strong Communication. These are just a few.

And how do we develop these skills? To a
certain extent we have, in CempakaConnect, RAG Day and CBL, but those are just
glimpses into a world which we must explore further. Ask yourself do you have a
favourite subject? Do you have a least favourite (most hated?) subject? Why do
you dislike some subjects over others? I ask myself, why do we have subjects??
The old idea is that subjects break up
teaching to more easily digestible or categorised content, which is easier for
students to absorb. Also it helps students specialise into certain areas that
develop into degrees, which in turn lead into professional jobs. For example, high
school biology leads to a degree in biology which leads to a career as a
biologist. It’s all quite nice and neat. But is the 21st Century nice and neat?
The career of biologist itself hardly exists anymore, after being merged and
combined with other fields. The most successful in those fields aren't merely
scientists anymore, but are entrepreneurs.

Yes, that word again. You've heard it many
times. An entrepreneur has many definitions, mine is a person who utilises
technology and 21st century skills to make a difference. Tell me which subject
teaches that. You have no choice about it, in the 21st Century, whatever degree
you do, whatever career or field you enter, you will be an entrepreneur.
Subjects are a way of you being told what to learn. Let’s change that, let’s
have you students, tell us teachers what you want to learn. No, better yet show
us what you want to learn, or even better direct us to where you want to take
your learning! Let’s have our class time be about you achieving objectives you
set for yourself.
It’s difficult to think of learning without
formal subjects and formal exams, but that is really what learning is, at its
core. You actually learn best without being taught. Cempakans that are involved
in gaming like me can relate to this, have you had to learn and master a game
all by yourself without any direct formal instruction? Maybe it wasn't easy but
it definitely was a lot of fun and you certainly loved reaching the end right?
Imagine that feeling in school, everyday.
Learning that is across subjects, without too much formal assessment. Learning
that is continuous, worldwide and actually matters to your future. Interested?
DancerGal Says: This is a pretty lengthy but interesting read. It has come to my attention that the students these days aren't interested in studies because they don't see what's the point. If our education system continues at this rate, we may be seeing a higher level of dropouts simply because the children aren't interested. But that's my humble opinion. Thanks for reading!
Love always,
DancerGal Sheryl!
omg, you make my posting look so much better... can i hire you as my fulltime blog interior decorator?? :)