March 10, 2015

February (2015) Faves!

A vlogger would usually do this in a video format, but to be honest, I don't have the time (and the skills) to really get this done, and it's already well into the first week of March, so I decided that it would be a great idea for me to blog instead. Here are SOME things that I've been really loving in the past month.


Original Bootcamp, Malaysia

Would this even be new? ORIGINAL BOOTCAMP, MALAYSIA! My one true source for everything health and fitness related. I've been going strong (attending most sessions unless I'm sick) and I even made the effort to go on the FIRST day of CNY which really impressed quite a number of people. I am VERY FAR from where I used to be. Getting DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) on an almost daily basis proves that. I can honestly tell you, I haven't lost ANY weight at all, but I have lost size. I hope these two weeks without Bootcamp will not jeopardize that. Sigh. BUT YES! Bootcamp has been such a positive influence in my life and I'm so incredibly happy about it! :)

La Juiceria (Hartamas, BSC, Mid Valley)
COLD-PRESSED JUICES are another thing in my life that I've been LOVING! So far, I've only tried two companies (La Juiceria and LifeJuiceCo.), but there are many more companies out there which provide a great selection of juices. However, I prefer getting them in person, which is pretty much the main reason why I have only tried the mentioned companies. If there are any out there that you suggest I try, please do leave me a comment below on their locations and their names so that I can go try them out!


SPOTIFY! For those of you who haven't tried using their service, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you try them out. For paying subscribers like me, it's basically like Youtube for music, with the opportunity to save them offline. It has an amazing list of songs, and like iTunes, you can create playlists, etc. I have been using this in my car, whilst waiting for classes to start, and even using it for some of my classes! Not to mention, when I had trouble syncing my services, they did it for me in less than an hour, despite not having offices in KL. Amazing customer service and I love it! Well done, Spotify! Loving you tons!

Facial and Skin Care:

INNISFREE is a skincare and beauty brand from Jeju Island, Korea. I've heard about this brand several times thanks to other vloggers and bloggers, but when I found out about them appearing in Malaysia, I decided to pay them a visit myself. Been loving their stuff ever since. What I love about their products is that it's not harsh on the skin, lovely smells and as natural as they come. Using some of Jeju Island's famous natural ingredients such as green tea, tangerines, orchids, etc, they create a wonderful range of products. Not only that, they are pretty affordable too!

If and when I have the time, I'll blog about some of my fave stuff from there! Their skincare is definitely a part of my daily skincare routine now, and I've been using quite a few of their make up products as well. I'm just specifying the brand, cos it's hard for me to say which are my faves so far.

Lush's Dirty Springwash Shower Gel
LUSH'S DIRTY SPRINGWASH SHOWER GEL! I got this from America and this is my SECOND bottle! So far, I have used 4 of their body shower gels, but this is my go-to. I love the scent. It's kinda grassy and minty, and it has this wonderful feeling after using it. It doesn't make your body feel like you've washed off a layer of skin, but it feels like you've used moisturizer in your shower. Only quip I have about this is that Lush isn't available in Malaysia, and it costs quite a bit. That's why I don't use it everyday, but it's really tempting me to. I will definitely get more when Sammo goes on his next trip to America! :D 

Fashion (more like comfort wear!): 

Uniqlo's Lounge Pants - Pink
UNIQLO'S LOUNGE PANTS (PINK)! Unfortunately for myself, I only got my hands on one pair of these, but I definitely need more of them. They are INCREDIBLY comfortable and I can choose to wear them up or down. When I wear them down, I'm usually at home, lazing around. When I head out in them, I just color block it with a nice top and VOILA! Chances are, I wear them when I'm too lazy and because I only have one, I don't wear it out often. I definitely need to get more of these soon. 

That's all I have so far! I've been busy working out some stuff since I got engaged and with CNY, it was tough to really get down to the faves. I hope to try and keep this up every month, and hopefully, someday start vlogging about my faves! I hope you enjoyed it! See you very soon! 

Love always,
DancerGal Sheryl!

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