November 16, 2012

Self-Reflection: Passion vs Commitment!

Something drew my attention to this particular topic as of last night.

Passion vs Commitment. 

This can be used in reference to many things. Friendships, relationships, career paths, interests, and basically anything that involves YOU! 

According to Wikipedia, Passion (from the Ancient Greek verb πάσχω (paskho) meaning to suffer) is a term applied to a very strong feeling about a person or thing. Passion is an intense emotion compelling feeling, enthusiasm, or desire for something. The term is also often applied to a lively or eager interest in or admiration for a proposal, cause, or activity or love – to a feeling of unusual excitement, enthusiasm or compelling emotion, a positive affinity or love, towards a subject. It is particularly used in the context of romance or sexual desire though it generally implies a deeper or more encompassing emotion than that implied by the term lust.

According to the same source, Commitment is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.. It is also known as a pledge or an undertaking. A commitment is never supposed to be broken, if it is broken; that means it was never a commitment rather was just a pretention and lying. Commitment may refer to:
  • Promise, or personal commitment
  • Contract, a legally binding exchange of promises
  • Brand commitment
  • Involuntary commitment, the use of legal means or forms to commit a person to a mental hospital, insane asylum or psychiatric ward
That being said, you can actually be committed to something without being passionate about it (cos seriously, who would be passionate in a mental hospital?), but my question to all is: 

Can you be passionate about something without being committed to it?

I ask this because it has come to my sickening attention recently, that I feel totally and completely passionate about blogging, social media, and other stuffs, but I honestly only have 24 hours in a day. There's only so much I can take. But because I am committed to something that I am not passionate about, I can't commit myself to something that I'm passionate about. It's ironic isn't it? 

And I realized, that this connects to relationships as well. I will not speak for myself, but I have come to realize that I have too many (and when I say too many, I actually mean "TOO MANY"!) acquaintances who tell me that they are staying in a relationship for the sake of staying in a relationship. That's being committed without passion. And to that, I say one thing... 


In general, anything, be it relationships, friendships, career paths, and whatever else, if you're not going to be passionate about it, it won't work out well. But then, how do you leave or ignore your "commitment" without looking like a total jerk? It's basically impossible. So what should or can you do? Pray that time passes fast so that you can just leave. 

What about those like me who are passionate about stuff, but can't afford to commit to it? :( 

I don't really know how, but at this moment, I know that I am passionate about many things which I cannot afford to commit my time too. So what am I doing about it? During this time, I continuously try to strive and learn more about the stuff that I am passionate about and hopefully one day, get to put all this to good use. I am honestly (well, in my personal opinion!) very positive about this because I can see my passion paying off someday. Till then, I will just have to wait it out. 

The most important thing to keep reminding yourself about is that nothing is impossible and that if you keep driving for your dreams, no matter how bad the circumstances may seem, one day, it will come true :) 

Keep striving with passion, and one day, your ideal of passion and commitment will come your way! 

Love always, 
DancerGal Sheryl! 

November 12, 2012

Self-Reflection: Motivation, Inspiration, Encouragement...

Being involved in and Inspire.FM, kinda makes me wonder...

Do I deserve to be called "inspirational" or am I in the right position to motivate others?

Generally, motivational speakers tend to be people who study social science or are licensed psychologists. There are also motivational speakers like Nick Vujicic who have lost everything, worked their asses off, and then gained everything back and more, which technically qualifies them to be motivational speakers. But what about me?

In all honesty, my family isn't rich, but I have generally lived a privileged life, which in turn, makes me quite snobbish (only in certain aspects though!). I have definitely been blessed in many ways, which then leads me to question myself on how I can motivate, inspire and encourage others? But then, I realized something.  While I have nothing to offer in terms of losing limbs or losing all my money, I do have much to offer considering that I'm a 26 year old with a professional job, not out wasting my life on drugs and alcohol, living my life exactly how I want it to be, without all the drama. And obviously, about 13 years ago, I would have never thought that my life would end up this way.

In between 1995 and 2003, I was a horrible friend to have. I disliked people in general, and only had my nose in books. Not textbooks, of course, but story books and novels. At the age of 15, I was already reading books like Harry Potter, CSI, Lord of the Rings, etc. Thick books which take me to a place that wasn't Malaysia or Kuala Lumpur. I didn't speak much to others, and I refused to speak in any other language other than what I considered to be my mother tongue, English. If you didn't speak English, I wouldn't speak to you. Simple as that.

I may not be inspirational or motivational or encouraging in the sense of losing something then earning it again, but I honestly do feel like I've finally started living a full life and I could not be prouder of myself.

I honestly believe that EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE has something to share. Unless you are sitting down and wasting your life away, I believe that at some point in your life, you would've achieved something.

This is what and Inspire.FM have helped me realize. While I know that no one is perfect, I also know that we can and are able to learn from one another. It's about sharing our experiences. Our ups and downs. Let's help each other and spread more positivity and joy! Let's help make ourselves happier and more cheerful. :)

At the end of the day, I believe that it's about what we want to do for ourselves. I believe the question to ask would be, what do you want to do?

I am grateful for the platform that and Inspire.FM have helped to provide. When I read and listen to motivating and encouraging stories, especially when I have a bad day, it makes me realize that there is no point being sad for too long because there is just WAYYY too much to be happy about! I am ever so happy when I read about a story or listen to an inspiring interview for the person telling the story! :) It never fails to make me smile :)

So my point. Everyone is positive in their own way. Do share your positivity with me, or Inspire.FM because everyone deserves to feel like they are positive, encouraging, motivating, and inspiring in their own right!

Love always,
DancerGal Sheryl!